EP 117 . 03 Apr 19

[ACS 06] NewtonMail made in India loved by the world

With Umesh Gopinath

In the episode

  • What is Newton mail and what’s so cool about this mail client?
  • Why another mail client?
  • What were the key goals set to make this product?
  • What was the process & challenges of coming up with a design language that is OS agnostic?
  • What according to you is the coolest feature about Newton that was driven by a design team and is almost invisible?
  • What are the process of taking the product and design decisions of what to build and what to junk at Newton? For eg: You killed the sent folder.
  • What is the future of Newton? What is the future of email since a lot of stuff is happening on WhatsApp, Slack, and Short messaging format?
  • The last 2 questions are personal.
  • On your website, you say that you are inspired by Dieter Rams, Jason Fried, AR Rahman, BLJ, Vandana, Vikas & JP. What is the common thing you see in these people that you get inspired?
  • I guess you believe in the “Less, but better” design philosophy. Can you tell us how and why this philosophy resonates with you?

About Umesh Gopinath

Umesh is a designer, blogger, and amateur photographer. He is constantly thinking, observing, learning, and trying to find simple solutions for everyday problems. Currently, he is heading the design team at Newton Mail which got acquired by Essential this year. Newton mail is a wonderful pretty looking email client which is built in India.
