EP 219 . 13 Oct 21

Decisions beyond design

With Aditi Kulkarni

In the episode

  1. How long have you been in design? What made you switch from print to digital medium? You officially did a course for it despite NID. Can you please share, why? – in the context of so many self taught designers are entering this space. How do you define, UI / UX / Product Designer?
  2. When was the first time you hired a designer?
  3. What is your hiring process from identifying a candidate to actually rolling out an offer? Referrals?
  4. What do you look in a portfolio?
  5. Do you think in this day and age, design leaders have to be brand themselves to attract young designers?
  6. How important is stability of designers in a company? When, according to you is the right time to switch? Do you hire designers who have jumped too many jobs?
  7. How important do you think diversity is in a design team? Is it a conscious effort or you find right balance of talent organically.
  8. What are your 2 biggest challenges while hiring designers? Why?
  9. What according to you are aspirations of young and fellow designers?
  10. You have done an amazing job of making a very technical product look and feel interesting. Any comments for young designers who are starting fresh – on the lines of design is about solving problems….

About Aditi Kulkarni

Aditi Kulkarni is a UX manager at Shopify. Previously at Indeed, Referral Candy, Postman and more… Formally trained in print as a graphic designer, she switched to web design in early 2005 and has been hiring, mentoring and regularly sharing her learnings at various design events and conferences.


Abhinit Tiwari is a co-host for this series. He works at Gojek.


This is part of a series Where are the designers with IVM Podcast. It is a 12 part series featuring few of the top influential Design leaders in India, talking about their process of hiring, challenges in finding and retaining talent and some tips for young designers to make a cut after they apply.
