EP 101 . 12 Dec 18

The table that almost wasn’t

With Ajay Shah

In the episode

  • What is Rubberband and why did you start it?
  • People can shop, stationery, bags, furniture and more… Although all products are great in quality, let’s discuss more your tables. You have around 7 to 8 types of tables. Why tables?
  • What is the story behind “the table that almost wasn’t”? Where did the inspiration come from?
  • What is your take on products which have too many joints? Importance of a single body or die-cut?
  • What made you choose aluminum over other materials?
  • What were the learnings while making this product?
  • Did you guys do any user research before thinking about such a product?
  • When and how did you realize that the table was ready to go into manufacturing?
  • If you were to evolve it further, what would be the progression like?
  • Do you worry about people stealing your design and replicating a cheaper version of it? How do you deal with it?

About Ajay Shah

Ajay is a furniture designer, an alumnus of NID, Ahmedabad, and has practiced design in India for 20 years plus. He is the founder of ASDS Ajay Shah Design Studio and also started Rubberband. Ajay comes from the school of thought, where he believes design thinking can be applied to products, spaces, and graphics. Although he specialized in furniture design, he finds himself applying design principles to all areas of design.
