Generative Art

Ujjwal Agarwal - Audiogyan

Broad What is Generative art/design? Because these days, Generative AI is a buzzword, how different or similar it is? How and where do you classify your style of work? Which genre, or category does it belong? Your work seems to be abstract. Can you help us understand the landscape of this kind of work by […]

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Whats looping?

Vasuda Dharma - Audiogyan

What is looping? (More abstract and philosophical) What is looping in the context of music? Is it close to tiling? Is it only to set the rhythm and to create a base texture or something more? Any short history about it? When and how did it start? How did you get into it? How do […]

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Designing spaces

Kamini Rao on Audiogyan

Let’s start with what kind of work you exactly do. What are exhibition design and set design? What is the kind of brief you get? Which are the entities involved in any exhibition and while making a set; from a designer’s point of view? How does a space for an exhibition come to be? What […]

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What are aesthetics?

Saugata Bhaduri - Audiogyan

What are aesthetics? How would you define aesthetics, and what role do you see it playing in the study of the arts and humanities? Since it’s about beauty and taste, is it subjective or objective? Who defines aesthetics? Are there any categories to classify or frameworks to understand aesthetics? How do you approach the study […]

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Design of Peace

Rajni Bakshi - Audiogyan

What does nonviolence (Ahimsa) mean to you? Tell us a little bit about “Ahimsa Conversations”. How and where did all of it begin? Isn’t violence part of nature – “survival of the fittest”? Also one fights with oneself to perform better (an athlete for eg.) How do you see violence with this lens? How do […]

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Rock Paper Scissors

Sagarika Suri - Audiogyan

What does material mean to you? Has that definition changed over time? How important it is for a designer to know his/ her medium? Why? What is “rockpaperscissors”? Why did you start it? From your research on materials, what are you trying to arrive at? Is there a goal or just exploration? Because it is […]

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